We’re Halfway There!

Yup, that’s right. If you can believe it, we are officially past the halfway mark. 20 weeks… (well almost 21 now.) I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out, but now she will be here in 4 months. Nauseating. In fact the past couple weeks have been nauseating! I’ve been so busy with school and work that I’ve barely had time to sit down and relax. Could be why I keep getting sick lately. My body is just completely worn out and I’m physically drained. Battling an upper respiratory infection right now, definitely keeping hydrated though. (Aren’t you proud?)

Well about one week and a half ago my neice, Annabelle, turned the double-digits. Really wild thought that it’s been a decade since she was born. Even more frightening is that my oldest neice is going to be 16 on Saturday. Seriously, does time fly by or what? Wasn’t I just powdering her little tushy? Ugh. I feel really old now.

Anyways, here are few pics from my neice’s artist birthday party last week. My sister did a crazy great job with decorating and the cake was ridiculous (6 layers!!).

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In other exciting news, Adam and I celebrated turning 20 weeks by registering!  The whole process was a bit overwhelming.  We did the whole Babies R’ Us and another site called Myregistry.com.  I really liked Myregistry because it let me add the little odds and ends I saw from all different websites and compiled them into one list.  I really wanted it for myself so I know where I saw everything.  haha.  I’ve already did a little shopping and my mother has already bought out the fabric store.  She’s made some blankies and bibs and she’s still going!

Well, since I’m feeling pretty awful I am going to bed!!